Fractional Compliance Management for Credit Unions.

Making Compliance Practical.

Let Us Be Your Compliance Officer.

Let’s face it - Credit Unions need Compliance & Risk Professionals to run effectively. But these professionals are highly specialized, difficult to train, and expensive to hire. To compensate, many credit unions try to “make do” without them, scattering the responsibility between managers and often, the CEO. This lack of ownership makes for a disorganized and ineffective risk management program.

Crimson Oak aims to simplify compliance for credit unions. In doing so, we become your Compliance Officer and an integral part of your team. We begin with a comprehensive assessment of your CU's current compliance structure, followed by a compliance management program tailored to your CU and implemented by us.

Managers, it’s time for you to focus on what you do best - lead and grow your credit unions! Let us take care of compliance.

Our Services

  • Managed Compliance Programs

    We begin by creating a tailored compliance program that aligns with your credit union’s unique needs. Your dedicated Compliance Officer will then implement and manage your customized compliance program as an extension of your team.

  • Managed BSA Programs

    We build and manage a BSA Compliance Program that fits your credit union’s risk profile. You maintain an Internal BSA Officer who oversees the program but delegates the daily and weekly BSA tasks to our team of BSA certified specialists.

  • BSA Officer Training

    Lose your BSA Officer recently? Or, are you a CEO who is ready to pass the BSA baton to a new BSA Officer? We help identify and train your new BSA Officer. In our BSA Officer Bootcamp, they will receive one-on-one training specific to your credit union. Your new BSA Officer will have a firm knowledge of the requirements of a compliant BSA Program and will gain a clear understanding of how to manage your specific credit union’s BSA program.

  • Policy Management

    We develop a policy review schedule and perform monthly policy reviews and submit changes to your Board of Directors for approval.

  • Policy & Procedure Alignment

    An add-on to policy reviews, this service goes beyond the policy review to ensure your daily operations are aligned with the policy. Policy and procedures are two separate but equally important cornerstones of any compliance program. However, it is not uncommon for these two essential resources to contradict in practice. Through staff interviews, transaction testing, and working with your management team, we will ensure procedures and practices align with the board-approved policy.

  • Compliance Advising

    As your Compliance Officer, we are available to you to provide quick answers & advice on all compliance and risk-related questions. We also assist you on projects. This includes our attendance to project meetings with staff and/or 3rd parties as well as advising on affected policies, disclosures, change-in-terms, etc.

  • Regulatory Monitoring

    We will keep you updated on regulatory changes and help you navigate changes inside your organization. We will give you a voice by drafting responses to proposed regulations on your behalf. We will also review your marketing material to ensure compliance with consumer regulations.

  • Training

    We can provide training on any compliance or leadership topic of your choice! As your compliance officer, we provide the required BSA training for all of your staff and directors, as well as ongoing training and support to your BSA officer and management team.

  • Exam & Audit Management

    We will assist you with preparation for your audits and exams, be available to your auditors and examiners during fieldwork, help clear potential findings, and manage the resolution of findings and recommendations.

  • Board & Supervisory Committee Governance

    We provide a monthly compliance report to your Board of Directors to inform them of any impending regulatory changes or NCUA letters.

    We work closely with your Supervisory Committee by performing their annual Risk Assessment and Review Plan. We also manage and attend the quarterly Supervisory Committee meeting.

  • Audit Services

    We offer a variety of compliance audits including BSA, ACH, Website Compliance, SAFE Act, and more!

  • Quality Control Reviews

    We become your Quality Control Officer by performing monthly quality control reviews to ensure your operations and lending teams are appropriately functioning. The agreed-upon procedures are tailored to your credit union but can include monthly file maintenance, new loans, new accounts, loans and shares by interest rate, etc. We provide a scorecard at the end of each review to help track your teams’ improvement.

  • 3rd Party Management

    We will assist the credit union in managing your 3rd party vendor program.

  • Special Consulting Projects

    We are available to consult on a variety of consulting projects including but not limited to stepping in as an interim BSA Officer, clearing audit and exam issues, assistance with building and structuring a compliance department, one-on-one training and support for a compliance department, consulting on major conversion projects, etc.

Let’s Work Together.